State Recognized Indian Tribes

A state-recognized Indian tribe is a Native American group that a state government, rather than the federal government, acknowledges as having a tribal identity. State recognition does not grant the same legal standing or access to benefits as federal recognition, but it can provide some level of recognition and support within the state.  

Here's a breakdown of key aspects:

State vs. Federal Recognition:

  • Federal Recognition: This is the most comprehensive form of recognition, granting tribes sovereign status, access to federal programs and funding, and a government-to-government relationship with the United States.  

  • State Recognition: This is recognition by an individual state government. It varies in its implications from state to state but generally does not confer the same benefits as federal recognition.  

Why State Recognition?

  • Historical Reasons: Some tribes were historically recognized by states before the federal government took a more prominent role in tribal affairs.  

  • Lack of Federal Recognition: Some tribes may not meet the criteria for federal recognition or may have chosen not to pursue it.  

  • State-Specific Issues: State recognition can address specific needs or concerns within a state, such as hunting and fishing rights or cultural preservation.

States with State-Recognized Tribes:

The number of states with state-recognized tribes can vary as states add or remove tribes from their lists. Some states known to have state-recognized tribes include:

  • Alabama  

  • California  

  • Connecticut  

  • Delaware  

  • Georgia  

  • Louisiana  

  • Maryland  

  • Massachusetts  

  • Michigan  

  • Mississippi

  • New Jersey  

  • New York  

  • North Carolina  

  • South Carolina  

  • Texas

  • Vermont  

  • Virginia  

  • Washington  

Important Considerations:

  • Limited Benefits: State recognition generally does not come with the same level of benefits as federal recognition.  

  • Varying Criteria: The criteria for state recognition vary from state to state.

  • Ongoing Issue: The status and recognition of tribes are complex and evolving issues.

For the most accurate and up-to-date information, it's always best to consult the specific state government's resources on state-recognized tribes.


Indian Gaming Basics


Federally Recognized Indian Tribes