Native American Rights Fund (NARF)

The Native American Rights Fund (NARF) is a non-profit legal organization dedicated to protecting the rights of Native American tribes and individuals. Here's a concise overview:  

  • Purpose:

    • NARF uses existing laws and treaties to ensure that the U.S. government and state governments uphold their legal obligations to Native Americans.  

    • They provide legal representation and assistance to tribes, organizations, and individuals nationwide.  

  • Key Activities:

    • Litigation: NARF engages in legal battles to defend Native American rights.  

    • Legal Advocacy: They advocate for policies that protect tribal sovereignty and rights.  

    • Legal Expertise: They provide legal expertise on a wide range of issues affecting Native American communities.  

  • Focus Areas:

    • Tribal sovereignty  

    • Treaty rights

    • Natural resources  

    • Human rights  

    • Voting rights  

In essence, NARF plays a crucial role in safeguarding the legal rights and interests of Native Americans.


United Indian Nations of Oklahoma (UINO)


National Congress of American Indians (NCAI)